woodstock community Festival of Awakening

August 9—August 11 Friday—Sunday

Woodstock awakening

three days + two nights of enlightenment, music & the healing arts

We welcome you to our second annual Woodstock Community Festival of Awakening, Friday through Sunday, August 9-11th—ceremonies, performances, workshops, talks, readings and more throughout the town of Woodstock and beyond, including a large gathering at the Bearsville Center on Saturday. There will be dawn and dusk meditations, yoga, instruction and practice in various awakening schools, progressive causes, lots of good food and gatherings, great music (Kirtan, rock & more), plus performance and other arts—and through it all the collective aspiration to awaken. The Festival is expanding its offerings, so if you have a practice, product or art that rings with "awakening"—or want to volunteer or contribute to this fully accessible event—we welcome you to connect with the Festival! See links below.